Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Where is your Third Place?

I heard a great speaker this morning, Michael Stephens, an assistant professor at Dominican University and the author/blogger of www.tametheweb.com.
Michael presented the Hyperlinked Library (the slideshow is available on his blog) about how Web 2.0 is changing not only libraries but how we all interact with each other.
He briefly spoke of the "third place", your 3rd social environment outside of home and work. Do you have one and if so, where is it?
I know many of my friends would consider Starbucks their third place while Michael's was Panera. Mine over the last few years has definitely been school where my work and educational lives collided.
In todays world, your third place may be on MySpace or Facebook, maybe on AIM or even through gaming on Xbox. Where ever your third place is, I hope you are connected and balancing that life with your others.

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