Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What Gets You Excited?

Conversation back at work this morning:
Shannon: "Hi Ted (not his real name), how was your Christmas?"
Ted: "Fun and exciting"
Shannon: "Exciting? Oh my god, did you get engaged?" (Ted has a serious girlfriend)
Ted: "No, it was just exciting"
Shannon: "Huh, exciting...well....that's neat."

I seriously did not know what to say to exciting. I haven't heard anyone say Christmas was exciting since I was 8. This got me to thinking, what did I think was exciting? Definitely not Christmas, I am not a holiday person, so I gave some deep thought to what evoked excitement in my life.
I'm kind of a been-there-done-that type of girl when it comes to relationships and run-of-the-mill jobs, so those didn't really qualify. Thinking back through 2007 and farther, it's been the traveling I've experienced that has excited me. Planning a new trip, a new country, new friends and unexpected locations really gets me going.
My husband and I have been invited to a wedding in Goa India in February and we are looking into airfare, the idea of this trip has really gotten me excited to learn about a country I didn't have on my travel horizon.
Seriously, have you thought about the excitement in your life? What is it? Your baby's first step, a new job, a new love, a new home? Besides the possibility of a wedding on the Utorda Beach in India, my May 2008 graduation with my Masters after almost 6 years of study, excites me (and my Mom)and I can't wait!

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