Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What's in a Name?

Do you read historical romance novels? Or perhaps read the book reviews before buying for your library?

Ever wonder if there is some secret manual for romance writers that lists bodice-ripping ready names? I've been a historical romance reader for over 20 years and it's pretty hard to find a book that has characters with new names. Here are a few varieties (not taken directly from any particular author or novel just a mix of those I've read before).

The recycled-in-various-order names:

Logan Hunter, Duke of...(fill in the blank)
Hunter Logan, Earl of ...(fill in the blank)
Rafe Rafferty, Viscount
Rafferty Rafe, Esquire
Sterling Blackwell, Gentleman
Black Sterling, Baron
Ryder Chase, Duke of...(fill in the blank)
Chase Ryder, Lord of... (fill in the blank)

And the you've-got-to-be-kidding-me names:

Lorian Black, 2nd son of the Black Earl of Knightsbridge
Reid Exeter, known as Knighthawk to his friends
Thorn Windsor, long lost Duke of Wales
Slade McHugh, Baron of Exeter and twin brother to ladies man Cruz McHugh
Anderson Ashbury, known as Ash to his soldier buddies

Oh and don't get me started on the heroine's names. Most are attached to beautiful, long haired spirited young women either from large, loving and wealthy aristocratic families or they are long lost relatives of aristocratic families or they've been tossed out of the manor home by their evil relatives and are working as servants, ladies companions or a governess until they fall in love with the master of the house.


I love me a good historical romance. But for once I'd love a romance about Jane and John.

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