Thursday, March 5, 2009

Need a good giggle?

I don't know about you but sometimes I just need a good laugh.
One of my favorite websites that NEVER fails to make me laugh out loud is the brilliant Go Fug Yourself.
This fashion/celebrity skewing site written by the hysterical Jessica and Heather is fresh, totally original and so so so funny.
I have Go Fug Yourself bookmarked on my ITouch and during the times I am trapped in a boring meeting or class I access the fugness and try and contain my giggles. The ladies regularly feature such fugly offenders as Lindsey Lohan and the Olsen twins and occasionally a celebrity who is fab not fugly.
"Prodding the Faye" is my latest catch phrase. Read the Fug and you will understand.
Check out their FAQ page for the definition of "fug".
The fugness is here:

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