Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Have You Met The Sandman?

I have posted previously about my enjoyment of the graphic novel genre. I am happily reading the entire Sandman series thanks to my boss who loaned me his collection (a series I started back in the early 90's in college but never completed).
Penned but not inked by the amazing Neil Gaiman, The Sandman changed the face of graphic novels and reintroduced a legendary cult figure. The stories of Morpheus the Lord of Dreams are frightening, fantastic and absolutely wickedly fun. I am currently reading #21-28 in Season of Mists and enjoying every dark and thrilling page. The characters are unforgettable like Calliope the Muse, Death, Unity Kinkaid and Hob Gadling. The stories range from the seriously disturbing to the truly moving.
I've heard rumours of a movie since the 90's and read that the project has bounced around for years with bad scripts and multiple names attached. I don't know how I feel about seeing the Sandman in a film, I can't imagine anyone playing him outside of the pages of the graphic novels and my mind.

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